
Leandro Basilio


Leandro Basilio is admitted to the Bar Association OAB/RJ. Him expertise mostly resides in the areas of trademarks and unfair competition and him skills include his extensive experience in the administrative process of industrial property rights before the Brazilian Trademark Office, as well as conducting searches and preparing technical opinions involving industrial property rights.

Leandro is graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rio and detains a Post-Graduation in Competition and Intellectual Property Law from Cândido Mendes University, having completed his education with courses such as the “Trademarks Course” offered by the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents – ABAPI and took a part in a course offered by WIPO, notably the “General Course on Intellectual Property (DL 101P).

Leandro Basílio

Practice Areas

Trademarks and Unfair Competition


Portuguese and English